Friday, January 9, 2015

So Frustrated!

You always hear people say that GOD DOESN'T GIVE YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE! Well, I have to disagree. The last 4 and half months has been way more than I can handle. And it all started because of some bullshit charges, an arrest, negative news articles, and so much more. Because the case has not been completed yet, I can't get into all the details. I will say that what all the press failed to say was that 2 weeks before the arrest, I had terminated my contract with my job for reasons unrelated to the case. And 1 week before the arrest, my contract termination was accepted by the job. But all of this has put my family in a very bad way.
Here is the first of many struggles. The place we have been living in, the owner has put up for sale. This means we must find a new home as soon as possible. Our credit is bad, so we can't qualify to buy a home. And finding a rental in our price range has been a joke. I have 3 kids and need at least a 3 bedroom home. I also have dogs, so I need a pet friendly place. My dogs are trained and very well behaved.
Second is the money issue. Right now my family is trying to survive on my husbands disability. I would like to know how a family of 5 is supposed to live off of just barely over $900 a month. I have been unable to find any employment. Believe me, I have put in so many applications and sent out my resume to so many people that it ain't funny! On top of that, I have been told that I have 2 different positions, only to have them taken out from under me a few days before I am supposed to start. This is extremely aggravating to me. I have an Associates and a Bachelors degree! I am a Certified EMT. I have so many awards from college. Yet I can't get a job!
Third is the friends issue! I guess you could say that when things are rough, you find out who your true friends are. Well, that has certainly happened in my life. People who I thought were true friends turned their backs and started talking crap! Some people who I thought were mere acquaintances or fair weather friends have proved to be the truest of friends. I really appreciate those who are true friends. There may be few, but those few really matter.
Fourth comes in the form of family members. These last few months have brought out the best in some and the worst in others. Let's start with the best! These last few months have strengthened the relationship between my husband and me. We have had a few fights, but our love for each other is stronger than ever. NOBODY IS GOING TO BREAK US! Then there is the relationship with my mother. I feel that in the last few months we have become closer than we have ever been. And believe me when I say that this came as quite the shock to me! You see, we have never had a good relationship, we have had a lot of fights in our past. Then there are the few siblings that are not turning their backs. That are offering to help in any way they can. And a few cousins have stepped up and really shown their love and support. Now for the worst! One sibling and I won't say which side, has completely turned their back on my family. Even going so far as to disowning us. Then another one has accused us of some really stupid shit and spread rumors that they were going to take custody of my children.
So you see, I need to find a house and a job as soon as possible. I am at the end of my rope and feel like I am barely holding on. I have prayed so much, but God is not listening. For the true friends, Thank You So Much! Your support means a lot to me and my family. To the family that has not turned their backs, Thank You So Much! And to those who have turned their backs, YOU CAN KISS OUR ASSES!!!!