Monday, November 24, 2014

What I am Thankful For!

With this week being Thanksgiving, I decided to write about what I am thankful for. I have a long list and will probably only give some. I hope everyone has a great holiday season with their families. The first thing that I am thankful for is my family. When I say family, I mean immediate and extended. So I will start with my immediate family.
First, my husband Shandon. He is my soul mate. We have been married for 13 years and beat the odds against us. He is my biggest supporter and champion. Shandon and I have had our ups and downs, but my love for him grows each day. Shandon is a great dad to our children. It seems that despite his size, most kids love him. Shandon has seen me at my worst and still loves me for some reason.
Next are my 3 beautiful kids. Chadalynn, my oldest, is such a sweet soul. I am lucky to say that we have a great relationship and keep no secrets from each other. Chadalynn is extremely creative and we enjoy trying new crafts together. Just yesterday, Chadie and I mad infinity scarves by arm knitting. Traylen, my middle child and only boy, has a soft heart. He is super talented in athletics and can be very mischievous. He was a key player this year in taking his football team to an undefeated season and ultimately winning the championship. Traylen is always will to help others. Makadee is my baby. She is spoiled rotten, can be evil, but has a sweet side. She is a daddies girl and very smart. Makadee likes to test my patience, but is there to love you when you are down.  Makadee is a girly girl. And last are my 3 dogs. Risky Business is my 4 year old female German Shepard. Risky is my girl. At night she lays on my feet when she is not making her rounds to make sure all is well. Gauge is my 9 month old German Shepard. He is bigger than Risky and full of energy. Gauge has a special relationship with my husband and son. And last is Recidivism, our 6 year old poodle. Poodle is devoted to Chadalynn, and the 2 of them are inseparable.
When it comes to my extended family, stuff can be tricky. Some relationships are strained, but in the end we all love each other. Let's start with my parents. I love them both very much. My mom and I have always had a strained relationship, but things are getting better everyday. My dad and I were close when I was younger, but have seemed to have grown apart. When it comes to my siblings, I have always felt like I have a better relationship with my 2 brothers than with my 3 sisters. Maybe it is because I am stuck in the middle of the boys, or maybe because I was always such a tomboy growing up. We have all had our ups and downs, but no matter what, we are family and stick together. My grandpa Clair and Grammy Sheila are extremely important to me. Grandpa and Grammy are always there to support, give advice and love, and a big part of my life. And last but certainly not least, my cousin Casey. Casey and I are a few months apart in age. We have always been close to each other. Casey was in a motorcycle accident not to long ago and I am so thankful that she survived and is still around today.
The next thing that I am thankful for are my true friends. With all that has happened in my life in the past few months, I have found who those true friends are. Despite all the negative stuff that has been said about me, these friends have reached out to let me know that they believe in me. They sent messages or called to say they were there for me. Those who I consider true friends know who they are and to them all I can say is thanks.
The next thing that I am thankful for is the community in which I live. Hurricane is a great town to raise children in. I love how when the chips are down for a community member, the community rallies around them to help. I also love how the whole town supports local sports. I have tried a few times to move away from Hurricane, but I always come home. I truly consider Hurricane to be my home.
The next thing that I am thankful for is my education. I will be the first to admit that I did not graduate high school with my class. I actually dropped out halfway through my senior year. I waited 11 years before returning. My husband was injured in an accident, and I decided it was time to have a career rather than working different waitressing jobs. So I got a GED study guide, studied for a  week, then went and passed the test. About 2 weeks after that, I enrolled at Dixie State University (at that time it was College) and 2 weeks later began taking classes. I majored in Criminal Justice, but took other classes that interested me as well. I was told that it would take me 2 years to get my generals done, 2 years after that to complete my Associates, and another 2 years after that to complete a Bachelors. I told the counselor that he was crazy and that I would have it all done in 4 years. As luck and a lot of hard work would have it, I reached my goal of 4 years. During my time at Dixie, I received many awards, became a Certified EMT, and attended the Police Academy.
These are just a few things that I am thankful for. I could probably go on for days about all the many blessings in my life, but I won't do that today. This season is a favorite for me. I hope to be able to write a little more often, but having 3 active kids, keep me running all the time. Keep smiling and giving to others. Until next time Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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